Focal Sopra N°2榮獲2015~2016年EISA Best High-End Speaker
Focal Sopra N°2拿下2015~2016年EISA(European Imaging and Sound Association) Best Product中的最佳High-End喇叭。EISA每年都會選出各類型中最創新、性能最佳的影像和聲音產品,EISA的公信力吸引了超過50名記者在場關注各家廠商的新產品。
今年推出的Focal Sopra N°2靠著多項的的創新和他的性能,擊敗了眾多強悍的競爭者,讓EISA評審在今年度的High-End Loudspeaker類別中,選擇了Sopra N°2為此項目中的最佳產品。
(Like every year, the most prominent European specialised audio and video journalists gathered for the EISA convention (European Imaging and Sound Association). The goal being to reward the most innovative and highest-performing products in their category, the most prestigious brands try to seduce more than 50 journalists by presenting them their new products.
Numerous technological innovations introduced on Sopra as well as its capacity to extends the boundaries of sound reproduction in terms of purity, precision and harmonic richness convinced expert jury.
Focal is proud to announce that Sopra N°2 loudspeaker has surpassed its competitors and received the EISA Award 2015 in the “High-End Loudspeaker” category!.)