Verity Audio Sarastro II 落地喇叭

Verity Audio來自加拿大的魁北克市,公司成立於1994年,由總裁Bruno Bouchard、副總裁Julien Pelchat兩位設計師兼創辦人所共同創立之專業High End喇叭的製造商,Bruno與Julien兩人在創辦Verity Audio之前,本來就是從事High End音響的行業。

SARASTRO 和 SARASTRO II 兩者可見的最大差異為, SARASTRO 兩箱體間所墊的是石材, SARASTRO II 是類似 HRS 般的多重複合材質, 聲音更好

高音單體為VERITY AUDIO自制的鋁帶高音, 頻寬可達 60KHz


Verity Audio原廠根據我的聆聽空間計算出了三種擺設方式,我試了其中兩種,Placement 1與Placement 3,兩者聽感差異很大,我自己還是喜歡近一點聆聽的方式 (Placement 1),較近,質感定位清楚,拉到最大,音場氣勢凌人、頻率也更為平衡(Placement 3) ….

Placement 1:
Distance between the listener and the wall in front of him: 7.78 meters;
Distance between the center of the woofer driver and the back wall: 2.75 meters;
Distance between the center of the woofer driver and the side wall: 50 cm.

Placement 2:
Distance between the listener and the wall in front of him: 7.8 meters;
Distance between the center of the woofer driver and the back wall: 2.5 meters;
Distance between the center of the woofer driver and the side wall: 70 cm.

Placement 3:
Distance between the listener and the wall in front of him: 6.24 meters;
Distance between the center of the woofer driver and the back wall: 2.34 meters;
Distance between the center of the woofer driver and the side wall: 76 cm.

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About Leo Yeh

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身為發燒友已經將近30年,每天沉浸在High End音響的世界中,樂此不疲。